And The Winner Is...

Beard & Mustache contestants line up for the judging. The three centered all made the judges cut.

Beard & Mustache contestants line up for the judging. The three centered all made the judges cut.

James “Mikey” Virts (center) was awarded the 2021 Hairyman Champion trophy at the Victorian Chautauqua’s Beard & Mustache Contest held on Saturday, July 10th. The playful pageantry welcomed five registrations and one unregistered participant flaunting a makeshift beard. Each contestant was asked to display their facial hair from all angles for the audience and the judge’s panel.

The bright and lively emcee, Rita Powell-Moomau, gave each contestant a chance to introduce themselves and to answer questions about what would potentially earn them the grand prize. The longest “actual” beard as seen on Tom Hudnall had been growing for 21 years, or “legal age” as Rita put it.

The judge’s panel comprised Kathy Beachler, representing the Garrett County Arts Council; Cherie and Ron Krug, representing Heritage Areas; Patrick Damon, representing the Mountain Lake Park Town Council; and Charlie Miller, representing Nola’s Salon in Oakland, MD. Nola’s Salon also provided the winner with a gift bag of beard grooming products.

The rogue entry, Rich Pawling, joined the contestants with a long patch of hair tied to his chin. Once under scrutiny for perhaps trying to fool the panel with his inauthentic facial hair, he quickly exited the stage, stating, “I quit” as he exited the stage. After receiving a big laugh, the judging continued.

The contestants' brief comparison of staffs, canes, and walking sticks was an attempt to elevate each individual’s ranking, but the judges were not swayed; they kept focused on faces only.

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The Finalists

The remaining five contestants were narrowed down to three by the judges panel and the final decision was determined by audience applause. Mikey received the most thunderous reception from the audience earning him the Hairyman Champion trophy. When asked how long he had been growing his beard, he replied, “Two weeks.” His dark, well-groomed look and clean-shaven chin garnered him the grand prize.

The two runners-up each received an etched mug to commemorate their stature among the five contestants. Second place went to Tom Hudnall, and Third Place went to Rev. Matthew Riegel, Bishop of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod, ELCA, who graced the stage in his opulent formal attire.

The Victorian Chautauqua planning committee would like to congratulate the winners and thank all the contestants for their good-natured participation in the first Beard & Mustache Contest!

Lainey Shaffer, daughter of Steve and Amanda Shaffer, hands over the Hairyman Champion trophy to Mikey Virts.

Lainey Shaffer, daughter of Steve and Amanda Shaffer, hands over the Hairyman Champion trophy to Mikey Virts.

Do you have great photos from the Victorian Chautauqua? You can share your images in an email by clicking the button below. If you don’t mind them being made public, state that you grant permission for publishing and include any credits as needed. Thank you!

The Maryland State Arts Council, The Garrett County Arts Council, Mountain Maryland Gateway To The West, Maryland Heritage Area, Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, The Town of Mountain Lake Park, and Aaron's partly funded the 2021 Victorian Chautauqua.


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